Carretear (pronounced carr-ay-tay-ar)
is the Chilean word for partying—and not just partying but an all-nighter of
drinking at some pubs until 2 or so, and
then dancing at the discos until the
wee hours (still earlier than on the other side of the Andes but whose counting.)
In my few months down here, my best carrete
ended with a 3 hour sunrise walk that concluded with an early morning
snooze on the beach and breakfast under a palm tree, not too shabby! Commies are the eternal and mortal enemy of
the free, capitalist-happy Western world—the Northern half, at least. While the Occupy protests are a relatively new
phenomenon for the USA, that kind of thing is old news down here—that is until you mess with the police and they round you up with high-powered water-cannons mounted on tanks that roam the capital and mass tear gas you, but hey, you threw the first rock, payback is a bitch. The current fight for free education has been
going on for well over 6 months and many students have not gone to school for
an entire year because students have literally taken over their own schools and
won’t let anyone in. The political views
of many of my Chilean friends would surely have prompted Richard Nixon to finance
a coup ‘d’état. Wait, that happened?! Chileanese is what they
attempt to pass off as Spanish down here (at best it's vaugly similar
and then, only at times.) My favorite word is bakan, which means cool and was the first Chilenisimo I learned because well, what's cooler than bacon? Cachai? Sipo. Que bueno. (Get it? Got it. Good)
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